1. Jackson county had established Cullowhee Academy. One year later, the current teacher of the academy left, and they needed to hire a teacher. Thus, Robert L. Madison, from Virginia became Cullowhee Academy’s principal.

  2. Cullowhee Academy

    In need of a teacher, the community leaders hired Robert Lee Madison of Virginia as Cullowhee Academy’s principal. Madison was first approached by Roland A. Painter, who suggested he come to Cullowhee to teach. Hon. Lewis J. Smith, of Cullowhee visited Madison and invited him to come to Cullowhee to teach that there was an opening available. Madison began teaching the following week. *Catamount 1939 Yearbook (pages 5-11)

    Madison Proposed the “Cullowhee Idea”

    Cullowhee High school was a Semipublic secondary school in 1889
    Robert Madison stated, “Up until 1889, there was not in this State, and probably in no other Southern State, any public institution preparing teachers for country public schools.” His observation of only a few capable public-school teachers that had attended private high schools, Madison had hope of improving the quality of public-school teaching. *Catamount 1939 Yearbook (pages 5-11)

  3. Chartered as Cullowhee High School

    Chartered as Cullowhee high school. Madison stated, "The Legislature of 1891 granted Cullowhee high School a charter and under it the school was organized as a corporate body." This was when the Trustees of the Noble Nine were founded. *Catamount 1939 Yearbook (pages 5-11)

  4. Chartered as Cullowhee High School

    Winter of 1893, The State General Assembly was in session at Raleigh. Cullowhee high school was in its fourth successful year. The enrollment had doubled, and students flocked from surrounding counties, and even South Carolina to attend Cullowhee School.

    Madison wrote to Hon. Walter E. Moore, the representative at the time, to pursue a bill requesting state funding per the growth of the student body to adequately provide for the student body. To establish a Normal Department in connection with an existing centrally situation high school in each congressional district. Departments authorized to train teachers for villages and rural public schools. Each department receives an annual appropriation of $3,000 for maintenance. The total yearly cost to the state would be $27,000. *Catamount 1939 Yearbook (pages 5-11)

    Moore responded to Madison’s letter stating that the bill with an annual expenditure of $27,000 would have little chance of favorable considerations. Since demands of already established institutions. Madison replied to Moore to consider a Bill providing the establishment of a Normal Department in connection with Cullowhee high school with appropriation of $3,000 annually. Iterating the demand in the area and Cullowhee centering the geographical of fifteen counties of the far western end of the state. *Catamount 1939 Yearbook (pages 5-11)

    In response to Madison, Moore had introduced a bill to establish the department at Cullowhee, supported by a yearly allowance of $2,000 and he would do his best to secure enactment. *Catamount 1939 Yearbook (pages 5-11)

    While in committee, the maintenance amount was cut to $1,500 and amended, then later became law.

    Between 1893-1894 the school session started off as a newly created Normal Department, under the direction of Prof. Ernest P. Mangum. *Catamount 1939 Yearbook (pages 5-11)

    Legislature designated the school as the first publicly funded normal school.

  5. Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School

    Beginning school year for 1905, Cullowhee Academy/High school name transitioned to the Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School.

  6. Cullowhee State Normal School

    The name was changed to Cullowhee State Normal School.

  7. Western Carolina Teachers College

    Throughout the years the school had grown in student enrollment and curriculum and grew from a 2-year to a 4-year institution. Chartered by the legislature, the name was changed to Western Carolina Teachers College with the authority of the institution to grant degrees.

  8. Western Carolina College

    The demand for liberal arts and other curricula expanding the school’s offerings, postgraduate studies and the Master of Arts in education degree were added to the curriculum in 1951. Throughout the decades of rapid growth Western Carolina Teachers College name changed to Western Carolina College.

  9. Western Carolina University

    In 1967, Western Carolina College was designated a regional university by the North Carolina General Assembly and transitioned into Western Carolina University.

  10. Western Carolina University

    In 1972, WCU became a member of UNC, University of North Carolina school system. Becoming the fifth oldest university in the UNC system of North Carolina.

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